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Exchange API

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Request Access

Exchange enables users to request access to REST APIs and API groups, create new applications, and manage service-level agreement (SLA) tiers.

Following in this article, there are some request examples that can be executed.

Before executing the examples, read the Anypoint Platform Token section to know how to obtain the token to be used in the examples. This should be replaced for the value ANYPOINT_TOKEN in each curl example.

The examples have been made by cURL, but optionally, instead of sending HTTP commands with cURL, you can use Postman or another application.

How to request API access

Some URL parameters that have to be replaced in the examples are:

  • :groupId: Group ID of the asset
  • :assetId: Asset ID of the asset
  • :version: Version of the asset
  • :versionGroup: Version group of the asset

The steps to Request API Access are:

1. First, a managed instance from the selected asset should be selected.

Notice that the instance should NOT be deprecated because it won’t be possible to create a new contract.

To do that, the asset should be retrieved from the Experience API to extract from there the needed instance:

1.1) For a rest API asset:
curl '' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer ANYPOINT_TOKEN'

The response is similar to this:

  "id": "956703",
  "versionGroup": "v1",
  "name": "v1:956703",
  "environmentName": "Sandbox",
  "environmentId": "fa07c403-3655-4e6b-8ea1-4888cc2775c1",
  "type": "managed",
  "productAPIVersion": "v1"

Select the ID of an instance of “managed” type. In this example: "956703"

1.2) For an API group asset:
curl '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'authorization: bearer ANYPOINT_TOKEN'

The response is similar to this:

  "id": 956703,
  "productVersion": "v1",
  "environmentId": "fa07c403-3655-4e6b-8ea1-4888cc2775c1",
  "environmentType": "sandbox",
  "providerId": null,
  "apiGroupId": 23948,
  "apiGroupVersionId": 22686,
  "apiGroupName": "great-group",
  "name": "v1:24608",
  "isPublic": false,
  "apiInstances": [{
    "id": 891105,
    "apiId": 342424,
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "minorVersion": "1.0",
    "name": "v1:891105",
    "productVersion": "v1",
    "environmentId": "fa07c403-3655-4e6b-8ea1-4888cc2775c1",
    "stage": "release",
    "environmentName": "Sandbox"
  }, ...],

Select the ID. In this example: 956703

2. Select an existing Application or create a new one.

2.1. To create a new application:

Note: this procedure is valid only for non federated organizations

Use the instance ID selected in the previous steps (956703) as the URI parameter apiInstanceId.

Creating an application requires the following fields, specified after the -d flag.

  • name: Name of the application
  • description: Description of the application
  • url: URL of the application
  • redirectUri: An array of redirect Uris
  • grantTypes: An array of Grant Types (example: "password", "implicit", "client_credentials", "authorization_code", "refresh_token")
  • apiEndpoints: To automatically register the redirect URIs (it could take the values “true” or “false”)
curl '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'authorization: bearer ANYPOINT_TOKEN' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"name":"new-application","description":"description","url":"","redirectUri":[""],"grantTypes":[],"apiEndpoints":false}'

A response like this will be retrieved.

The ID of the created application should be selected to be used in the next step. In this example it is: "273626"


Select the ID of the created application. In this example: 273626

2.2. To select an existing application

Use this example to get a list of the applications that a user created on a specific master organization. Replace the masterOrganizationId URI parameter:

curl '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'authorization: bearer ANYPOINT_TOKEN'

A response like this will be retrieved.

  "name":"new application for my rest-api",
}, {

Select the ID of an application. In this example: 273626

3. Get an SLA Tiers of the selected managed instance.

If the API or AAPI Group instance has Tiers, the user must select one SLA Tier. If the API instance has not Tiers, skip this step.

The SLA Tiers can be created in API Manager. For more information, visit

Selecting an SLA tier for an API instance uses different steps than selecting an SLA tier for an API group instance.

3.1) Select an SLA tier of an API instance

Replace :instanceId with the instance ID selected in the previous steps (956703).

curl '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'authorization: bearer ANYPOINT_TOKEN'

The response is similar to this.

  "name":"new SLA",
}, {

Select the ID of an SLA tier. In this example: 171457

3.2) Select an SLA tier of an API group instance

Replace :apiGroupInstanceId with the instance ID selected in the previous steps (956703). Replace :environmentId with the environment ID from the previous steps (fa07c403-3655-4e6b-8ea1-4888cc2775c1).

curl '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'authorization: bearer ANYPOINT_TOKEN'

The response is similar to this.

}, {

Select the ID of an SLA tier. In this example: 171457

4. Request access to creating a new contract.

Replace :applicationId with the application ID from the previous steps (273626), following the whole example.

The requestedTierId is the SLA tier ID from the previous steps (171457).

The fields required to request access that should be replaced in this example are (after the -d tag):

  • apiId: The managed instance ID, which is used only for assets. In this example: 956703.
  • apiGroupInstanceId: The managed instance ID, which is only used for API group assets. In this example: 956703.
  • instanceType: The instance type, api or api-group.
  • environmentId: The application ID.
  • requestedTierId: The SLA tier ID, if one has been generated. If no SLA tier ID has been generated, omit this field.
  • acceptedTerms: true to indicate the terms have been accepted.
  • organizationId: organizationId of the API asset.
  • groupId: groupId of the API asset.
  • assetId: assetId of the API asset.
  • version: version of the API asset.
  • versionGroup: versionGroup of the API asset.

IMPORTANT: For API groups, replace the parameter apiId with apiGroupInstanceId and change the instanceType value from api to api-group.

curl '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'authorization: bearer ANYPOINT_TOKEN' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"apiId":956703,"instanceType":"api","requestedTierId":171457,"acceptedTerms":true,"organizationId":"5a673b98-92f4-459d-b950-daeed7a8165d","groupId":"5a673b98-92f4-459d-b950-daeed7a8165d","assetId":"connected-raml","version":"1.0.0","versionGroup":"v1"}'

A response like this should be retrieved

    "name":"new SLA",
    "fullname":"asset-id - Sandbox - undefined",

To learn more about Client Applications and Request Access:
